HCCF by Zara Agnes

Nourishment From Within

HCCF provides a range of Chinese Muslim Confinement Food products & services with a focus on quickening recovery during postpartum and post-surgery confinement. Read our story

To celebrate CNY this year, we thought we’d do something a little different. So on Chap Goh Mei, we sent out giant #ForTwoCookies to unsuspecting mommies with a random love message from her cheeky baby.

We had so much fun seeing who got which message.

Special thanks to our creative collaborators The Honest Treat and The Makmal for making this happen.

Thank you mommies for sharing your #ForTwoCookies moment with us. Enjoy the video below šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

(Psst… The #ForTwoCookies is not for sale ya… But you can always get our milk boosters)

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Zara Agnes
Founder, HCCF
Posted on

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